Just for the record.


Flannigan scheduled Walters (whose legal name is Hanson) to take the first polygraph with Hugh E. Jones, (past president of the Florida Polygraph Association ) WALTERS MISSED THIS TEST ONE.  Walters instead contracted with Harvey McLaughlin to administer TEST ONE.  (By doing this Walters had control over the outcome of the results of the test.)  He saw McLaughlin twice, 2/18/88 and 2/23/88 (report dated 3/1/88).  The total of both sessions was five hours.  And yes, McLaughlin said Walters passed, however… 


The following correspondence from Billy J. Rakes, President of the Florida Polygraph Association is dated 10/26/1990.  This pertains to the McLaughlin PG test. This test can be read in GBS beginning on page, 190.


Comments from Billy J. Rakes.

1)      …this type of test is commonly referred to as self-sponsored, which may appear to be self serving. Professional examiners do not readily conduct this sort of examination without a third party being present, i.e., an attorney or guardian. The obvious problem in a self sponsored test is one of taking the examinee’s payment and then the examiner having to advise the clients he or she is a liar.

2)      Irrelevant to this discussion. (BB)

3)      Irrelevant to this discussion.  (BB)

4)  In paragraph #3 under “pretest interview” the report states there was “approximately 5-6 hours of pre-test interviewing”.  I am not aware of any polygraph technique which uses or any polygraph school which teaches such a lengthy pre-test interview. It should be noted such a lengthy interview runs the risk of diminishing the examinee’s capability of psychological response during the examination, with the possibility of reducing the overall validity regarding the test results.

5)   The paragraph “Polygraph Examination” list several questions; however, all of the relevant questions are obviously not listed and the answers are missing from all relevant questions.

6)  In the last sentence of the above mentioned paragraph, the statement “no consistent deceptive responses are seen”, the obvious question here is “Were there any deceptive responses to the questions?”

7)      The paragraph under “Opinions” indicates the examiner based his opinion on his “feelings” by stating “it is felt” the examinee answered truthfully. Experts base their opinions on careful analysis on the examinee’s psychological reactions noted on the polygrams during examination.

End Rakes Comments.



Harvey McLaughlin was not an expert polygrapher. He first obtained his license in the state of Florida in 1981. He was never a member of the Florida PGA. And he was fined $1000.00 in 1988 for not having liability insurance.  No record of his PG training was evident.


I think, based on Rakes comments, that it is doubtful that Walters would have passed that test had someone reputable given it. So to me he didn’t pass it.


SECOND TEST:  When was this and what documentation do you have stating he passed it?


I do know Walters, once again, sponsored his own PSE test which he of course passed.  This was on 6/19/90 by Lauland Security. Are you confusing the PSE with a polygraph?


And lastly, Bob Oeschler had two tape recorded interviews with EW analyzed by Dektor Counterintelligence.  (Report dated: 7/7/88).  Michael Kradz, Examiner stated: “The way the interviews were done and the type of information discussed does not give the examiner the verbal material necessary for him to be able to say if these individuals are being completely truthful with the interviewer.”  


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